Pregnancy and Fitness

October 29, 2020

Working out has always been a huge part of my life! Growing up I played many sports and I come from an extremely competitive family! When I found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to stay on top of my fitness to keep me physically and mentally well. After getting the OK from my doctor that everything was going great in my first trimester, and my morning sickness subsided, I started my workout routine again. In LA, I have a great trainer who I would see 5 times a week, but in New Jersey, it was harder to find a trainer, so I would continue my workouts that Jasper had made for me. (If you’re in LA, and need a great trainer, hit up Jasper. His Instagram is @jasperrc)

As I started to get bigger, my workouts were modified to keep my baby and I safe. We worked on balancing, and a lot of arm workouts to prepare me to hold my baby…… for the rest of my life, lol. I love the way Jasper approached our workouts. Slow and steady, but the movements made everything burn! Below is an example of one of our workouts!

Example Pregnancy Workout:

** You should always consult your physician or other healthcare provider before starting an exercise. Shelly Scholten blog will not be held responsible for any injuries that may occur.**

3-4 Rounds each set:

  • Kettlebell deadlift x 12-15 reps Weight 25-35lb
  • Bent Over Row x 12-15 reps Weight 12lb
  • Squat with single arm curl x 12 curl each arm x 10-12lb
  • Single leg balance while holding a 12-15lb dumbbell on the opposite arm that the leg is up.
  • Hold leg up for 30sec and switch arms.
  • Lateral raises x 15 with 7.5 – 10lb
  • Tricep kickback x 15 with 7.5lb

1 Comment

  1. Reply


    Very good article. I will be dealing with many of these issues as well.. Ddene Georas Cerallua

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