

Pregnancy and Fitness

Working out has always been a huge part of my life! Growing up I played many sports and I come from an extremely competitive family! When I found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to stay on top of my fitness to keep me physically and mentally well. After getting the OK from my doctor that everything was going great in my first trimester, and my morning sickness subsided, I started my workout routine again. In LA, I...

30 day count down to my due date!

When I found out the due date of my baby boy, I was so excited because it landed on May 3rd. 3 has always been my favourite number. My birthday being September 3rd, and Davids birthday (my sons father) being November 3rd. We were both so very excited! So, today marks the 30 day countdown to May 3rd. Im trying to manifest him being born ON his due date, but of course that will be up to him! I never...