Say hello to our fur baby, Samboh! (Sambooka, Booka… we have too many nicknames) He is a hypoallergenic, non shedding goldendoodle! He loves to play fetch, (what dog doesn’t?) I think he could play all day long if we were up for it! He’s a year old, so he is FULL of energy.
Booka is a huge part of our family, and so protective over our kids! When I found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to get a dog for our family. I think growing up with a dog is so important. Originally, we let him roam our house freely, and had him on a strict training schedule. BUT, last December, I went to Paris and David had to go to Florida for a work outing. So I took Samboh to a 14 day training center, to have him trained. I thought it was a good thing to do at the time, but I’ve never regretted anything more! He came back a completely different dog. He was obnoxious, disobedient and frightened. I was shocked and so upset. Whatever went on during those 14 days, did not seem to have Samboh in good spirits. It really made me feel bad. We had to recover from that experience, and retrain him in our home like we had started doing from the beginning. My poor pooch!!!

On a better note, Samboh is treated like a human in our house, and being human, he gets human food! When I was searching for the best food for my pup, I came across “The Farmer’s Dog” I love everything about them. The food is formulated by nutritionists, and actually tested on humans. (it smells delicious, I would eat it, too) It’s custom made to fit your pups needs! Check it out for yourself: