When I found out the due date of my baby boy, I was so excited because it landed on May 3rd. 3 has always been my favourite number. My birthday being September 3rd, and Davids birthday (my sons father) being November 3rd. We were both so very excited! So, today marks the 30 day countdown to May 3rd. Im trying to manifest him being born ON his due date, but of course that will be up to him!
I never thought that the world would be going through a pandemic, and I would be pregnant during it. Being that my doctor and hospital is in the middle of NYC, the hottest spot for Covid-19, I am feeling anxious and it makes things a bit more complicated. So far my pregnancy has been a breeze, and I am beyond thankful for that… but walking into the most dense, most infected area in the United States to have my baby does not sit well with me.
So I started looking into other options.
David and I are in New Jersey, on the country side, away from most Covid cases. (That we know of) We have been staying in doors, and we’ve been very careful when we have to go to my doctor appointments. Up until now, David has come with me to every single appointment, but due to this virus, the doctors office is only allowing me to come in for my check ups. The office has spaced out all visits with their patients, so I am the only one in the office during my check up. Everyone is fully gloved, fully masked. It’s as if you’re infected until proven not. I am glad everyone is taking this SO seriously.
I started to think about reaching out to a different doctor that was closer to our home, a hospital that has dramatically less cases, if any cases at all. But when weighing my options, there was one thing holding me to NYC. My doctor.
Over the last 8 months, I created a trusting relationship with her, as I hope all pregnant women do with their doctors. She would be delivering my baby, and she would be by my side all the way through, from embryo to birth!
Switching hospitals, with a doctor who I would barely know in my last 30 days of my pregnancy, seems worse than walking into a hospital with Covid Cases! No, I’m kidding. Both options have their pros and cons, but you know what I mean!
I know there are other women going through the same feelings and thoughts and honestly, it is a very tough decision to make.
I have just a few weeks to decide. If you’re going through the same thing, or know someone who is. Leave me a comment! I would love to have an open conversation with others dealing with pregnancy during Covid 19.
Stay safe, stay inside and stay healthy! I heard warm water daily is a must!